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  2. ABB
  3. Setting up Robot IO

Restoring an EIO.cfg File During Initial Forge Setup

If you had already set up IO on your ABB controller BEFORE setting up ForgeOS, follow this section to restore your IO configuration.

Note: This section assumes that you have done a factory reset, loaded the ForgeOS robot driver files, and kept your RobotStudio computer connected to the controller.


  1. In the Controller tab, click Request Write Access. This allows you to edit settings on the controller.


  2. Click Load Parameters.


  3. In the Open window, select the EIO.cfg file from the SYSPAR folder in your backup folder. Select Load parameters if no duplicates, then click Open.


    Note: This setting will only load your IO signals beneath the already-loaded ForgeOS signals if there are no overlap conflicts.


  4. If RobotStudio warns you that the parameters will only be loaded if there are no overlap conflicts, click OK.


  5. If you get an error, look at the output window for more information. Copy the backup EIO.cfg file (to make sure that you have an unmodified version in case anything goes wrong), then make edits to resolve the conflicts. When all the conflicts are resolved, repeat the above steps. Alternatively, if the only duplicates are exact duplicates of entries in the default ForgeOS EIO.cfg file, then you could instead try the "Load and replace duplicates" option. The goal is to have your custom signals appear below the default Forge signals for easier identification in ForgeOS.


  6. If your backup EIO.cfg file loaded without an error, you will see the below pop-up. Press OK to clear the pop-up.


  7. Restart the ABB controller by selecting Restart (Warmstart) in the Controller > Restart menu. Wait for the restart to finish. Keep the ABB controller set to AUTO mode.


    Note: If the Restart menu is unavailable, try pressing the READY pendant E-Stop or the ABB controller E-Stop to stop motion programs. This will allow you to be able to warm-restart from RobotStudio. Then, after the controller finishes booting back up, release the E-Stop and press RESET to clear any errors on the READY pendant. (You can also use the power switch on the robot controller instead.)


  8. Follow the instructions in the last section of "Configuring ABB IO" to use the signals in ForgeOS.