How to Update: FANUC

After you update ForgeOS on the READY Pendant, follow these steps to update the robot driver files on the robot controller.

Table of Contents:

Getting Robot Driver Files From ForgeOS

Transferring Robot Driver Files to the Robot Controller


Getting Robot Driver Files From ForgeOS

Open the Device Configuration app.



Select your configured robot and tap Edit.


Insert a USB drive into the Forge IPC.


Tap ​Start Transfer​.

config files start transfer

Wait for the transfer to finish.​​

config files done


Transferring Robot Driver Files to the Robot Controller

Insert the USB drive into the FANUC pendant.


Switch the FANUC pendant to ON. Switch the controller to T1 mode.


On the FANUC pendant, press the SELECT button. Then press MONITOR (F4) to show running programs. If any programs are running, press the FCTN button. Press 1 ABORT (ALL) until no programs are running.

Press 1 ABORT (ALL) more than once to make sure that all programs have been stopped. If nothing appears when you press MONITOR again, move on.


Press the MENU button, then choose FILE (7)

Press UTIL (F5), then choose Set Device (1).
Choose the option USB on TP(UT1:) since the USB drive is in the FANUC pendant.

If you inserted the USB drive into the controller front panel, choose the ​UD1:​ option.


 Highlight All Files and press ENTER to view the USB drive contents.

If you have trouble accessing the contents of the USB drive, try unplugging the USB and re-inserting it.

Enter the FORGE-OS folder, then enter the READY-FANUC-DRIVER folder.  
Highlight FORGE_INSTALL, then press ENTER. Press YES (F4) to confirm and execute. Wait for the FANUC Controller to say ​"Execution is completed successfully.

If you see "Specified program is in use" instead, try aborting all programs again by pressing FCTN then 1 for ABORT (ALL).

Alternatively, try manually saving a backup, rebooting the controller, and then running FORGE_INST_NOBACK.CM instead, This install file doesn't include the backup step, allowing you to bypass some failures.

Press OK (F4) and remove the USB drive. 
Press the MENU button, choose NEXT (0), then SYSTEM (6), then DCS.

If the SYSTEM option doesn't expand into another menu, press [TYPE] (F1) and select DCS.

Press PREV to make sure you're on the main DCS screen. DCS_prev
Press APPLY (F2) to confirm changes to the DCS settings. Enter the password (default: 1111) and confirm with OK (F4).

If there are no changes to apply, you will see "no need to apply" when you tap APPLY. Move on to the next step.


Restart the controller. While the controller is restarting, switch the pendant to OFF. Switch the controller to AUTO mode.



If you are using a collaborative robot, you must confirm the payload each time the controller restarts. Follow these substeps to do so:

  • Ensure that nothing is contacting the robot.
  • Go into the Collaborative Robot DCS screen by pressing MENU, NEXT (0), then SYSTEM (6). If available, select the DCS option in the secondary menu; otherwise, press TYPE (F1) and select the DCS option.
  • Press PREV, highlight the Collaborative Robot option, and press ENTER.


  • Press CONFIRM (F2). Enter a password (default 1111) and follow the prompts by answering YES (F4).




On the FANUC pendant, press SELECT, then press MONITOR (F4).


Confirm that three Forge programs are running in the monitor.


Congrats! You're up to date. Time to automate!